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Deaf Culture in the News

Lately there has been some good coverage of Deaf culture in the news, and I’d like to take the time to highlight some of these interesting stories. Let’s go!

International Week of the Deaf

The first interesting story is that this week is International Week of the Deaf.

Every year during the last week of September, 133 organizations worldwide celebrate and commemorate International Week of the Deaf by setting up events, marches, debates, campaigns, and meetings that highlight specific human rights topics.

International Week of the Deaf (IWD) is about people gathering together, becoming united, and showing unity to the rest of the world. IWD activities also welcome the involvement of parents and families of deaf people, interpreters, and professionals who work with deaf people. This year’s theme is “Strengthening Human Diversity.”

The weeklong event is led by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD).The organization that has led the world in championing for Deaf rights since it was established in Rome, Italy in 1951, making it one of the oldest international organizations for people with disabilities. The WFD is now an international non-governmental organization representing some 70 million Deaf people internationally.

The WFD works closely with in the UN in promoting the human rights of Deaf people worldwide with advocacy, Deaf education, interpreting, Sign Language and championing for Deaf rights.

A New Dining Experience

If you’ve ever traveled abroad you will know what I mean when I say that ordering food at a restaurant can sometimes be a challenge. I tend to point and say “yes” in their native language.

In Toronto, Canada there’s a restaurant named “SIGNS” that has put a new spin on the dining experience. Almost their entire serving staff consists of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. The restaurant provides a handy “cheat sheet” to all customers to help them order in American Sign Language. The new restaurant hopes to educate and broaden peoples understanding of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in Canada.

So if you’re ever in Toronto, check it out! Watch this video here to see it in action.


New Resource Available: Joint Commission Standards for Language Access  View Page